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Patchwork 3D 2024 X7

Flakes Color Editor

Available in: Matter:

  • Materials (Editor) in Layers tab of a multilayer material,

  • Right click on a multilayer material: Material > Edit material: [your material] in the Layers tab of the material.

The Flakes Color Editor interface is composed of two functional zones:

  • the Color Palettes box that lists the available color palettes,

  • the Palettes Editor box that allows you to create color palettes.

The Color palettes box gathers the following operations:




Saves a color palette


Updates the selected palette of color.


This feature is useful for updating the color palette with colors you just added.


Imports one or more color palettes in CSV format.


Exports the selected color palette in CSV format.


Deletes the selected color palette.

The Palettes Editor box contains the following operations:




Adds one color to the selected color palette.


Deletes selected color of the palette.

How to create a color palette?

  1. In the Palette Editor of flakes, click on the color area to choose the color you want to assign at the palette.

  2. If necessary, click on this icon duplicate_layer_1.png to add one or more color. Click this delete_1.png to delete a color.

  3. Click then on this icon image408.png to add a color palette to the list of palettes.

  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to add as many color palettes as you want to the list.

How to import a color palette in CSV format?

The process of importing a color palette in CSV format works as the same as the gradients editor. Please refer to the following chapter Importing Gradient Ramps in .csv Format for more information.