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Patchwork 3D 2024 X7

Unlinking from the Shaper Configuration

Click on the Link Configuration image104.png button at the top right of a viewport to enable or disable the configuration link to Shaper for this viewport.

By default, the configuration in each Matter viewport is linked to the configuration in Shaper. The configuration in each viewport is not independent.

When linked to the Shaper configuration, this viewport will show the current configuration for geometry layers, position layers, and lighting layers as set in Shaper. When this viewport is modified, it will change the configuration in Shaper. Any modifications to the configuration displayed in Shaper will be shown in this viewport when you return to Matter.

If multiple viewports are linked to the Shaper configuration, changing the configuration for geometry layers, position layers, or lighting layers in one of the viewports will cause the same change in all other viewports linked to the Shaper configuration.