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Patchwork 3D 2024 X7

User Preset Tab

Patchwork 3D provides the ability to add your own preset values to certain lists in the interface.

Modifications to preset values are reflected in the list of presets as soon as they are entered. The preset lists are then saved in the Windows registry when you click OK and close the Settings editor.

Fresnel Value Presets

Used as shortcuts to load Fresnel values when setting up standard or multilayer materials, these values are listed by name in the preset list found in the Reflection tab of the Materials editor. You can access this list by clicking on the configure_render_1.png button next to the Fresnel values.

Set here your Fresnel presets.

To create a new preset, click on add_preset_1.png.

To modify an existing preset, click on the corresponding line in the list of presets. Then, modify the Name, Refraction index, and Extinction coefficient values, or delete the preset by clicking on delete_1.png.


Deleting or modifying a Fresnel preset has no effect on the materials whose Fresnel values were initialized using a preset.

For additional information on the use of the Fresnel effect, see:

  • Standard Material

Snapshot Dimension Presets

Used to define the size of a snapshot created with the Snapshot editors, these presets appear at the end of the list of available snapshot formats in any of the Snapshot editors.

To create a new preset, click on add_preset_1.png.

To modify an existing preset, click on the corresponding line in the list of presets. Then, modify the Name, width, height, and units (available for modification if you have ticked the checkbox Defined with units), or delete the preset by clicking on the delete_1.png button.

Set here the snapshot size presets.

Deleting or modifying a snapshot dimension preset has no effect on snapshots added to the Snapshot Batcher whose dimensions were initialized using a preset. If the preset used was deleted or modified, the original values of the preset will be applied using the format User-defined or the format User-defined with units.

For additional information on snapshot dimensions, see: