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Patchwork 3D 2024 X7

P3DXml Format

This format is for exporting and importing P3D data in XML format via the Shaper module of Patchwork 3D.

It is used mainly for merging several elements from different P3D databases (e.g. vehicle interior and exterior).

List of transferred elements:

  • Layers,

  • Surfaces and their geometries (nurbs, meshes),

  • UV coordinates,

  • Lighting effects,

  • Kinematic hierarchy (All of the work done to prepare a synchronized animation of surfaces is preserved during the export.),

  • Configurations,

  • Materials,

  • Environments, including alternate background textures,

  • Timelines,

  • Camera hierarchy,

  • Sensors.

The P3DXml format is an open format and facilitates the creation of customized gateways between Patchwork 3D and the other software.