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Patchwork 3D 2024 X7


An overlay is a 2D image (often a logo) that is displayed in front of the objects in the 3D world. It does not move when you navigate in the 3D world but remains stationary on the screen.

Overlays are associated with camera sensors. For more information on how overlays are created and applied, see Overlays (Editor) and Sensors.

Overlays are managed in the Matter sidebar's overlay library.

Enabling Overlays

Overlays are enabled by default. They can be disabled and re-enabled using the button in the toolbar at the top of the Matter module.

  • image761.png: Enable or disable overlay display.

Overlays in Configurations

The layers of each overlay can be used in configurations in the same manner of other types of layers in Patchwork 3D.

Configuration rules accept one or more overlay layers as targets. When a user chooses such a configuration, the configuration rule is met and the layers that are targets of the rule are displayed. The other configurable layers of the overlay are hidden.

For the effects of overlay configuration to be visible, the overlay containing the configurable layers must be assigned to an active camera sensor and overlay display must be enabled.

For more information, see the following sections:

Overlays in Animations

Overlay display can be handled in a timeline animation by using channel animations.

Configurations containing layers of an overlay can also be animated. To do so, use configuration keys positioned in the Configurations track of a timeline.

For more information, see the following sections: