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Patchwork 3D 2024 X7

Product Properties

Surface Visibility

This property defines the strategy used to obtain the visibility of surfaces in a product. The inactive box indicates that a surface visible in Shaper is visible in Matter. The enabling this option breaks this dependency, and each surface will have its own visibility attribute. This property can be edited in the product properties.


This property allows you to define the environment used to place the product in a setting (photo studio, exterior scene, etc.). If the value of this property is not initialized the environment used for the rendering is a neutral environment (default behavior). It is recommended to create new materials using this environment, as it does not influence the perceived color.

Assigning an environment is accomplished with a drag-and-drop from the sidebar environment library to the interactive zone of the viewport. To return to the default environment, open the menu item Editors > Product Environment, then select the environment in the Environments box and apply the operation, Remove the environment.