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Patchwork 3D 2024 X7

Color Palettes

Color palettes group together colors and can save them as an external resource. A saved palette can be loaded later in another database.

Clicking on a color in the palette will load it in the color picker for use.

The buttons below the list of colors in the open palette allow you to manage the palette:




This button allows a new color to be added to the palette. The new color will appear in the Color Palette list.


The color appears in the color palette. Each newly-created color is named by default: Color 1. You can rename each color in the text zone situated below the color palette.


This button allows you to update the selected color in the color palette with the hue you have set in the color picker to the left.


This button deletes the selected color from the list of colors in your palette.

Save to file

This button saves color palettes in the KPL format.

Load from file

This button loads KPL files.


KPL files can also be directly loaded by drag and drop from Windows Explorer in the Color Palette tab.

Loading a KPL file in the Color Palette by drag-and-drop replaces the colors that are currently listed with those from the KPL file. To add the list of colors in a KPL file to the list of colors already present in the tab, hold down the Shift key during the drag-and-drop.