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Patchwork 3D 2024 X7

Live Mode

Available in: Matter: main toolbar > start_live_mode.png Live Mode

The Live Mode is a visualization and presentation mode that allows you to interact with digital aspect mockups and explore different product configurations.

In this mode you will be able to:

  • View your products.

    Patchwork 3D has different views allowing you to interactively inspect the design of a product.

  • Compare different 3D products or different configurations of a single product.

    Several view configurations (Viewport menu) are available to view products side by side. This approach allows the simultaneous comparison of several elements of a product line. The links between views are provided to facilitate this 3D comparison.

  • Interact with elements of your products using animation triggers.


    It is necessary to have previously created at least one clip or a timeline in the Timelines editor to be able to create triggers.

    Please refer to the chapter on Live Mode (Editor) for how to create triggers.


To exit the Live Mode, click the button stage_live_mode.png in the main toolbar of Matter.