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Patchwork 3D 2024 X7

Text Image (Editor)

Available in: Matter: Textures Library (right-hand sidebar) > Edit or Create a new text texture

The Text Image editor creates, based on a provided text, an image that can be used as a texture. This text texture can be used in all of the same contexts as a standard texture.

The interface is divided into four zones:

  • Operations toolbar and name of the active text image: shortcuts to the operations of the texture library.

  • Settings for Geometry , Colors , and Font: management of the look of the text to be displayed.

  • Text: input field for the text to be displayed.

  • Preview: full-size preview of the text to be displayed.

Operations Toolbar

The following operations are available from the operations bar:




Drag-and-drop start point for assigning the texture to the appropriate field in a material, an overlay...


Create a new text texture.


Duplicate the current text texture.

You can also rename this texture by modifying the name in this zone and saving your changes by pressing Enter.

Display Settings

Geometry Settings



Dimensions of the image text box in which the text will appear, in pixels.


Placement of the upper left-hand corner of the text with regard to the upper left-hand corner of the text box in which the text appears.

Color Settings



Color and level of opacity of the image background.

Opacity is given as a value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).


Color and level of opacity of the text.

Opacity is given as a value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).

Font Settings



Drop-down menu offering a choice of fonts from among the fonts installed on the current computer.


Fonts used in text images are not embedded in the database. If this database will be handled on another machine, make sure that the chosen fonts are also installed on the other machine.

The texture created by this editor will remain usable as-is on any machine, regardless of the availability of the original fonts, until it is modified.


Drop-down menu offering the choice of styles available for the chosen font. Common styles include bold or italics.


Size of the font's characters in points (pt).


Insert your Text in the Text zone.

Supported text includes all characters rendered in the UTF-8 encoding, as long as these characters can be displayed in the selected font.

Text is displayed with no styling. Text wrapping is not applied, but new lines inserted manually are taken into account.

No character limit is imposed, but only the text that fits in the image text box will be displayed. This is determined by the size of the text box as set in the geometry settings as well as by the font size provided.


The image241.png button updates the text preview, which is displayed in full-size. This action also saves the current settings.

The delete_texture_1.png button undoes any modifications to the settings that have been applied after the last save and update of the preview. The display settings are reset to the state displayed in the preview zone.